ICOLD Technical Committees Workshops and Meetings

Home ICOLD Technical Committees Workshops and Meetings ICOLD Technical Committees Workshops and Meetings

On Saturday, 17th May, the ICOLD Technical Committees Workshops will be held. They aim to present and discuss the content of new work for technical committees in their start-up phase or to present the results of technical committees at the end of their mission (typically the publication of a Technical Bulletin). The list of workshops has been established below in coordination with the chairs of the technical committees.

List of ICOLD Technical Committees Workshops

Theme Duration Organizer
Workshop on Advanced Numerical Modeling Applied to Dam Engineering Half day TC on Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams
Workshop on Seismic Analysis Methods for Embankment Dams Half day TC on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design
Workshop on Chutes, stilling basins, upgrading and surveillance of spillways Half day TC on Hydraulics for Dams
Workshop on Compaction of Earthfill in Embankment Dams Half day TC on Embankment Dams
Workshop on Experience and practice of CFRD: a 40 years review Full day

TC on Embankment Dams

China Huadian Co., Ltd.

Chinese Society for Hydropower Engineering

Workshop on Progress of the bulletin on dam safety risk assessment and the bulletin on dam safety guideline Half day TC on Dam Safety
Workshop on Analysis and simulation of dam failure flood Full day

TC on Dam Safety

Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

Workshop on Reliability based Preservation Concept and Challenges for Historical Dams Half day TC on Historical Water Structure (Water Heritage)
Workshop on Cascade Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs Forecasting and Dispatching Technology and Its Application Half day TC on Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs
Workshop on Safety Management of Tailings Dams Full day

TC on Tailings Dams & Waste Lagoons

Yellow River Laboratory (Henan)

BGRIMM Technology Group

CHINCOLD TC on Coal Ash Dams

Workshop on the Future Activities of the TC Levees Full day TC on Levees
Workshop on Operation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Dams Full day

TC on Operation

Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Dams

Workshop on Public Awareness and Education Examples of Successful Communication Strategies Half day TC on Public Awareness and Education
Workshop on Cemented Material Dams Full day

TC on Cemented Material Dams

CHINCOLD TC on Cemented Material Dams

Workshop on High-quality Development of Resettlement due to Reservoirs Half day TC on Resettlement due to Reservoirs
Workshop on Flood Evaluation and Smart Operation of Water Infrastructures Full day

TC on Flood Evaluation and Dam Safety

CHINCOLD TC on Committee of Intelligent Joint Operation and Risk Control Technology for Watershed Water Projects

Workshop on Floating PV on dam reservoirs Half day TC on Perspective and New Challenges for Dams and Reservoirs in the 21st Century
Workshop on Experiences of Integrated Management of Dams and Basins, for Resiliency and Sustainable Half day TC on Dams and River Basin Management
Workshop on Hydro mechanical Equipment Full day TC on Hydromechanical Equipment
Workshop on After 15 Years of Contribution: What we learned together and what can we do next? Half day TC on Climate Change
Workshop on Capacity Building in ICOLD Half day TC on Capacity Building and Dams
Workshop on Charging Forward with Gender Diversity & Inclusion Half day TC on Gender Diversity and Inclusion
Workshop on Dam and Water Resources Management in the Context of Energy Transition Half day

TC on Young Engineers

 Power Construction Corporation of China

On Sunday, 18th May, the ICOLD Technical Committees Meeting will be held throughout the day (08:30 am to 06:00 pm). We have several rooms available for these meetings, which will be allocated in consultation with chairpersons, depending on the expected attendance.